Container terminal Bremerhaven, 4th building section
Federal State of Bremen, Bremenports GmbH, Germany
German consortium headed by: Hochtief AG, Strabag AG, Bilfinger Berger
Reclamation by Dutch and Belgian Subcontractors
Reclaimed area: 170 ha, (420 acre)
Reclaimed Volume: 10.35* 106 m3 (el. Measurement during dredging)
Project duration: 2004.06.10 - 2006.07.30
HMT Scope of Work
Progress monitoring and control of dredging operations
Calculation and documentation of:
Volumes and masses (for down payment)
Transport distances (for down payment)
All operational periods e.g. sailing, dredging, discharging (for down payment)
Position and depth of all dredging elements (for authorities)
Sand delivery sites and dredged quantities (for authorities)
Discharge method and location (for planning staff)
Calculation of rainbow position (for planning staff)