Container terminal Bremerhaven, 4th building section


Federal State of Bremen, Bremenports GmbH, Germany


German consortium headed by: Hochtief AG, Strabag AG, Bilfinger Berger

Reclamation by Dutch and Belgian Subcontractors


Reclaimed area: 170 ha, (420 acre)

Reclaimed Volume: 10.35* 106 m3 (el. Measurement during dredging)

Project duration: 2004.06.10 - 2006.07.30

HMT Scope of Work

  • Progress monitoring and control of dredging operations

  • Calculation and documentation of:

  • Volumes and masses (for down payment)

  • Transport distances (for down payment)

  • All operational periods e.g. sailing, dredging, discharging (for down payment)

  • Position and depth of all dredging elements (for authorities)

  • Sand delivery sites and dredged quantities (for authorities)

  • Discharge method and location (for planning staff)

  • Calculation of rainbow position (for planning staff)