Remote Monitoring of Maintenance dredging on the River Elbe for WSA Cuxhaven and Hamburg
WSA Cuxhaven, WSA Hamburg
Reclaimed Volume: 3.0* 106 m3 (el. Measurement during dredging)
Total number of projects (since 1996) : 2
HMT Scope of Work
To meet the special needs of WSA Cuxhaven and Hamburg, the HMT-System was adapted to fulfill the tasks specified by the Chartercontract for maintenance dredging on the river Elbe.
Here the focus lies on production times and transport distances. This configuration of the HMT-System automatically recognizes dredging areas and dumping sites, assigning production results to the existing documentation system. The HMT-System has been used for this task since 2002 and has achived good results during this period.