MoNa - Monitoring Nassbaggerei
The HMT MoNa System (Monitoring Nassbaggerei) has been developed for the German Federal Waterways Administration (WSV) and is used at all German Waterways and Shipping Organisations (WSÄ) at the North Sea. The general purpose is the electronic remote monitoring of maintenance dredging at Germany's northern river estuaries. The scope of work comprises datalogging and data transfer, display of survey and production data, analyses and documentation of results.
The HMT MoNa measurement concept
To increase the accuracy and the reliability of the HMT System the "redundant measurement" concept was introduced. The reliability of electronic measurement is substantially increased through the redundant use of different and independent measurement methods to obtain a particular desired parameter. Possible errors can be detected by comparative display of the time series of the respective measured values on a common graph; malfunctioning sensors become immediately perceptible. Redundant measurement is most important for the calculation of the dredge production. The two independent systems comprise TDS- and mixture density- and velocity measurement.
MoNa Results
Besides the information from measured process data there are a number of parameters necessary for the administration of maintenance dredging.
While the first part includes results such as volumes and masses, transport distances, operational periods, position and depth of dredging elements and discharge location there are administrational figures are such as project and job number, dredging site data, bill of quantities and dredging costs. The MoNa software incorporates all these information and produces results for all technical and commercial purposes. The combination of technical and commercial information offers many opportunities for statistics and documentation.
Applikation, Interface and Reporting
The MoNa System is a central Web Server application and offers many opportunities for reporting and reporting formats (CSV, Excel, pdf, ASCII).
Data management
The measured date are received by the HMT-NetBox on board of the dredger and transferred to the MoNa Database Server. There the data are immediately available in real time mode for further processing.